Our Story

On a drive down to Cape Cod in October 2024, Sydney had a conversation with a friend about Teffilin being hot, which then inspired her to make a TikTok video. Turns out a lot of you agree...and also think Tallit, Kippot and more are equally as attractive. One thing led to another, and Sydney felt delusional enough to make her own sexy Yarmulkes and other merch. And so was born Bad Boy Yarmulke, with the name drawing inspiration from a TikTok comment:
"The streamlined leather yarmulke is the equivalent of low-rise jeans with a V on a man. It feels scandalous and a little bad boy."@Hmneon (AKA Shakespeare)

Sydney is a Writer and billionaire Yarmulke Mogul who resides in a junior one-bed in downtown New York City. Her mission is to make being Jewish fun again.

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